A tribute to the night workers of Eurotranspharma
As night falls and most people head home, a new workday is just beginning for Eurotranspharma’s night shift workers. Six nights a week, more than 300 dedicated team members work tirelessly to ensure a continuous, uninterrupted healthcare supply chain.
In the warehouses, their mission is to receive, sort and prepare shipments of healthcare products for next day distribution. Meanwhile, across Europe, more than 200 drivers take to the road at night to ensure that products get where they are needed the next morning. The night shift can be especially challenging, requiring a high level of energy, independence, and teamwork, all at hours when most of the population is in bed.
“Night work is essential,” states Benoît Latteur, CEO of Eurotranspharma. “This is the only way to make sure that medicines are at the hospital or the pharmacy on the day it is needed. And they know it too, they know they are sorting, preparing, driving for the good of the patients who need those medicines the next day.”
Each team member puts in a great amount of effort and contributes to Eurotranspharma’s core mission: to ensure the continuous and seamless distribution of healthcare products, 24 hours a day, all year round. It is a global team effort shared between both day and night shifts. All of Eurotranspharma pays tribute to the courageous and dedicated staff behind the scenes, thanks to whom essential medicines reach the hospitals and pharmacies on time and at the patients‘ disposal.
„I would like to pay special tribute to all our workers who work every night in the pharmaceutical supply chain in the service of patients,” states Benoît Latteur. “They do a demanding, tiring job. It is important to me that their behind-the-scenes actions are recognized by the entire company. And of course, I am not forgetting our day shift teams who work together with the night shift to ensure seamless distribution of healthcare products to the countries we operate in.”
About Eurotranspharma
Eurotranspharma is the leading European multi-country carrier 100% dedicated to healthcare products. In conformity with the GDP standards, Eurotranspharma delivers healthcare products in a temperature-controlled environment ( 2-8 °C / 15-25 °C ). Owing to its IT connected tools, Eurotranspharma provides top-quality last mile distribution with the full end-to-end traceability that healthcare products require. The company operates in France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxemburg, the Czech Republic and Slovakia with a fleet of 800 vehicles and 1000 specially trained & committed staff.
For more information, please contact:
Laure Murat | Marketing and Communication
Walden Group